Comparing and aligning nucleotide or protein sequences, to identify similarity and homology between sequences for functional and evolutionary analysis
A cloud based bioinformatics toolkit, integrating frequent used bioinformatics algorithms, software and drawing methods to provide free data analysis cloud services
Assembling sequenced short reads into longer sequences or a complete genome, and annotating gene functions and structures for a comprehensive understanding of the genetic makeup
Analyzing single-cell classification, spatial distribution, and interactions, to achieve high-resolution characterization of cellular heterogeneity and spatial relationships
Analyzing species’ evolutionary relationships and relevant genetic variations, to reveal the evolutionary history, genetic diversity, and adaptability
Using quantitative and qualitative testing and analysis, to assess health status, detect the severity of diseases, and monitor the progress of treatments
1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District Beijing 100101, China | 86-10-84097216
© China National Center for Bioinformation 2023, 京ICP备 10050270号-13